Egodocumental Research Group


We plan to publish a selection of papers from the conference at the Brill series Egoodcuments and History that Michaël edits together with Michael James Maschuch at Brill

The volume will follow a two-steps-peer-review process: the proposed chapters (first chapter drafts) will first be reviewed by the series editors (except Michaël), and following Volume editors' feedback, sent to an external anonymous peer-review (usually two readers) – this means that neither the editors of the book nor the Authors will know who the reviewers are. The peer-reviewers will make their recommendation (accept, accept with corrections, reject), and it will be on this basis that the volume editors will reach their decision on which chapters to include. The volume editors cannot overrule the decision of the series editor in charge of the volume, who has the final say.

Tentative Timetable

15 September 2024: First chapter drafts to be sent to the Volume editors
1 December 2024: Volume editors' feedback sent to the authors
15 June 2025: Authors send revised chapters to the Volume editors
15 July 2025: Volume editors may request possible additional changes and/or notify Authors of the chapter inclusion in step 2 of the peer-review process
15 September 2025: Submission of the whole volume to Brill for assessment and subsequent peer-review. At this stage, Authors might receive additional requests from the Volume editors before the peer-review.

Instructions on writing the chapters:

Brill requires edited volumes to be coherent and have a thread that would bind the whole volume together. In our case, the volume is dedicated to both topics: egodocuments and otherness/strangeness. This means that both topics need to be presented and covered by the chapter. While the first is rather obvious as a source, the second one requires some elaboration by the author. We ask, therefore, to structure your chapter in the following way:
1. Introduction to your topic (we will have a general overview of approaches to the study of egodocuments in the introduction, so please focus only on the specific methodology or approach you want to use).
2. An explicit research question: what will you examine in the article, and how will you do it? Please avoid using phrases such as "it will be a description of" because this will give an impression of a descriptive chapter, which will be rejected by the reviewer(s).
3. Explain the structure of your chapter (First I will…., then I will, finally I will…)
4. Explain how the concept of otherness/strangerness is connected to your research topic. Explain your vision of it in relation to your material in the introduction. There is a wide range of literature relating to it, and the editors can provide suggestions upon request.
5. Subtitles for subchapters  -- please divide your text into sections, each with its own subtitle.
6. Conclusion – needs to bring up the conclusions based on the points raised in the chapter and possibly provide avenues for future research.
7. Length: 6,000-8,000 words (tentative, as we will get the final information about the length required based on the number of chapters).
8. Index nominum
9. Index locorum
See the stylesheet for the bibliography and references attached for questions on how to style your chapter.

In addition, please provide:

10. The author's bio, including your ORCID, affiliation, academic position, and a brief overview of your research interests. Please include one or two titles of your major publications.
11. Chapter's abstract: this needs to be a brief overview of the chapter rather than a summary - including the topic, the most essential points, and the strongest conclusion.


Finally, all chapters need to be proofread by a native English speaker. We can provide suggestions for such proofreaders upon request. It is essential that the chapters are proofread at the pre-peer-review stage, as unclearly articulated ideas in English can be a reason for rejection at the anonymous peer-review stage.
Open Access is possible at Brill; however, details of the conditions will be discussed upon the book's acceptance for publication and are the individual decision of the authors.
We are open to your questions at any moment; please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns or if you simply want to discuss your chapter before submission.

We are looking forward to receiving your chapters by 15 September 2024.
Let us know by 15 April if you intend to contribute a chapter to the book via our email:

Egodocumental Research Group