Network Members
One of the egodocumental network goals is to make contact between egodocumental researchers easier. Below, we are publishing brief information about our members, who agreed to have their details published, in order to encourage all researchers to contact and start new international research (the database will grow over time).
International Egodocumental Network Members |
L.p. | Last name, First name | Academic title and position | Affiliation | Period of interest, country | Keywords | Remarks | |
1 | Ciechanowski Hadrian | Dr hab., assistant prof. | Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland) | 19, 20, 21 (Poland, Prussia, Germany) | Communism, totalitarianism, otherness, estrangement, archivistics, archives, egodocumentality, databases | Looking for collaboration for grant writing and comparative research | hc[at] |
2 | Czyżewski Andrzej | Dr., assistant professor | Institut of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Science | 20,21 | Democratic opposition, "Solidarity", communism, intellectual biography, history of science | Seeking potential collaboration for grant writing | andrzej.czy[at] |
3 | Green Michaël | Dr hab., associate prof. | University of Lodz (Poland) | 16, 17, 18 | Privacy, Dutch, French, education, home, Huguenots, networks, travel | Looking for potential collaboration for grant writing | mi.gree[at] |
4 | Janz, Nina | Dr, researcher | NIOD, Institute for Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam (Netherlands) | 20; WWII; Germany; Russia; Netherlands; Luxembourg; France; Belgium; 21; Russo-Ukrainian War | War and military history; Wehrmacht; Waffen-SS, Red Army, International Legion (Russo-Ukrainian War); letters and diaries of soldiers and volunteers; Digital History | Looking for contributors for special issues on personal testimonies of armed actors (soldiers, conscripts, volunteers across different wars and conflicts) | n.janz[at]; drjanz.nina[at] |
5 | Kirchner, Lisa | BA MA, PhD student | University of Vienna (Austria) | 20 | Wartime egodocuments, Austro-Hungarian soldiers and noncombatants, World War One, violence against civilians, gender, silence studies | - | lisa.kirchner[at] |
6 | Magnússon, Sigurður Gylfi | PhD, professor | University of Iceland | 18, 19, 20, 21 | Microhistory, Everyday Life History, egodocuments | Looking forward to learn form fellow historians | sgm[at] |
7 | Orzeł Joanna | Dr., associate prof. | University of Lodz (Poland) | 16, 17, 18 (especially) | Travel education, Grand Tour, noblemen, noblewomen, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, France, European courts, networks | Looking for collaboration for grant writing and comparative research | joanna.orzel[at] |
8 | Pacevičius Arvydas | Dr (HP), prof. | Vilnius University | 16-19 c., early modernity | First person writing, ego-documents, travel writing, communication networks, book culture, publishing, libraries, privacy, Poland-Lithuania | Looking for potential collaboration for collective papers, conferences, projects, grant proposals | arvydas.pacevicius[at] |
9 | Moret Petrini, Sylvie | Dr, lecturer | University of Lausanne | 17,18, beginning of the 19 | Education, parenthood, childhood, youth, practice of writing, history of women, domestic service | Promotion of the database of Swiss personal writings ( | sylvie.moret-petrini[at] |
10 | Robert T. Tomczak | Dr., post-doc, Research Associate | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) | 16, 17, 18 (Poland, Czechia, Switzerland) | Alba amicorum, peregrinatio academica, history of universities, Travel, education | Looking for collaboration for grant writing and joint publications | Robert.tomczak[at], tomczak[at] |
11 | Ruggiu François-Joseph | Professor | Sorbonne University (France) | 17, 18 | Personal and social identities, dynamics of French society, personal writings (form, production, reception) | - | francois-joseph.ruggiu[at] |
12 | Simonova Olga | Dr., Collegium Researcher | University of Turku, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies | 19, 20 | Memories, women's images, Russian literature, World War I, Russian Civil War | Looking for potential collaboration for grant writing, also for conferences' organization and participation | oasimo[at] |
13 | Sippel Katrin | Mag.a, M.A. | Secretary General Austrian Society of Exile Studies | 20 | Portugal, exile, refugees, gender, imprisonment, spas, cultural mediation | Looking for colleagues working in the field of exile studies | katrin_sippel[at] |
14 | Tosato-Rigo Danièle | Prof. emerit. UniL | University of Lausanne (Switzerland) | 16, 17, 18 | Methodological perspectives, popular writings and correspondences and diaries of Swiss tutors abroad | - | Daniele.Tosato-Rigo[at] |
15 | Vašik, Miroslav | PhD candidate | Charles University (Prague, Czechia) | 18, 19,20 (Habsburg monarchy) | Habsburg monarchy, education, universities, students, nationalism | Looking for any potential collaboration ideally seeking a post-doc position | vasik.miroslav[at] |
16 | Vermeer Leonieke | Dr., assistant professor | University of Groningen | 18, 19, 20 | Autobiography, diaries, biography, life writing, history of the body, sexuality, health and illness, Dutch history, queenship, archives and databases | - | L.K.Vermeer[at] |
17 | Wichmann, Hanna | M.A., research assistant | University of Rostock (Germany) | 14, 15 | Family, Memory, Privacy, Italian, German, Intergenerational Communication | - | hanna.wichmann[at] |